
Friday, April 30, 2010

Legislative Breakfast

Hi, ho! Don't forget about the Legislative Breakfast tomorrow at MCC's Stevenson Center at 8:30am.  Talk to your representatives.  Let them know how you feel about what is going on in Lansing.  Let them know what you need.  Have them answer your questions. It may be quite insightful!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Make a Difference on Friday Night

A Community Forum is scheduled for this Friday, April 23, at 6:30 pm at the Whitehall High School Auditorium. Representative Mary Valentine and a representative for Congressman Pete Hoekstra will be there. This is our opportunity to tell them “Enough is Enough” and to ask direct questions about fixing Michigan’s antiquated tax structure and supporting long-term solutions to provide adequate, equitable and stable funding for public education.

We need to pack the auditorium to show that we are serious! Please get this information out to your members ASAP and encourage their attendance.